For information
This briefing is for all Communications Providers (CPs).
This briefing is to inform PIA established CPs that we are moving the current drop wire replacement trial to business as usual (BAU). Moving the trial to BAU enables PIA CPs to replace existing Openreach drop wires with fibre drop wires on Openreach poles where it is necessary and would qualify as a Network Adjustment, where the poles are classed by Openreach as either a ‘Policy D-Pole’ or ‘Non Policy D-Poles which are at full loading (as defined in the Overhead Engineering Principles CP08).
The process will also be applied reciprocally, i.e. where Openreach needs to remove a CP drop wire under the same engineering circumstances. The corresponding CP must adhere to the same process.
This will be available to PIA CPs from 1 November 2024.
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