GEN066/24 Notification of WLR contract termination


For Information

This briefing is for all Communications Providers (CPs).

This briefing is to inform CPs about the notification of the WLR contract termination.

As part of our ongoing All IP programme, Openreach has issued contract termination notifications to all WLR CPs with an effective date of 31 December 2025. Where assets have not been migrated and/or cancelled by 31 December 2025, BT may, at our absolute and sole discretion, allow the services and assets to remain post 31 December 2025. Any continuation of services shall be on new terms and conditions which shall comprise the terms, conditions and charges of the current WLR contract save for the following revision:

  • Clause 2.3(d) shall read as not less than 90 days’ notice.

The new WLR terms will be notified and published on the website.

We signalled this activity when we briefed CPs on BT Groups announcement of the delay to the PSTN switch off to 31 January 2027 in GEN048/24 (

Openreach expects CPs to continue migrating their customers at pace, and we are terminating the contract to provide flexibility to develop future processes with CPs to address the remaining asset base.

CPs are reminded that any associated broadband service (FTTC / SMPF / sub loop SMPF) will be terminated when the underlying WLR service is ceased, as per business-as-usual processes.

More information

If you've any questions about this briefing, please get in touch with your business development manager or customer experience manager.